Thursday, December 8, 2016

The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything

During this lesson, we added instruments to various characters in The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything.  And by characters, I mean the shoes, the pants, etc. :) 

Lesson Plan:  The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything
Grade: K
Time: 20-25
Materials: Book: The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything

Musical Concept: Instruments make different sounds
Musical Element: Timbre
Musical Skills: Playing

Utah Music Standards:
K.M.P.1: Explore the effects of various timbres, dynamic levels, and tempos using voice, movement, and simple instruments.
K.M.P.4: Demonstrate appropriate practice and performance behavior.

  1. Students will play instruments to accompany and enhance a picture book.
  2. Students will demonstrate respect for instruments.


  1. Hello Song (1x)
  2. Today we're going to read a fun story, and then end by playing our Pumpkin in the Dark game from last time.
  3. Read: The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything - This activity is to prepare students to add instruments to Skin and Bones
    1. Read 1x through, being very expressive with voices.
    2. Invite students to help on the sounds the clothes make.  Read again.
    3. This time I have a few special instruments to add to the book:
      1. Clop - hand drums
      2. Wiggle - guiros
      3. Shake - egg shakers/small maracas
      4. Clap - everyone clap hands
      5. Nod - tone blocks
      6. Boo - everyone help say "boo" in vocal play
    4. Boys and girls, it is very important that when we have instruments we treat them with special care.  When it isn't your turn to play, I need you to set your instrument down in front of you and put your hands in your lap.  Please don't touch your instrument when its not your turn.
    5. Pass out instruments: I'm going to pass your instruments out and you may play them and see how they sound.  Remember to be gentle.  When I count down from 5, that means I need everyone to put their instrument in front of them and be ready to start the story.
    6. Read 1x more, then collect instruments.
  4. Review: Get into math position in 5….
    1. Start singing the pumpkin in the dark. "High ho on halloween movement"
    2. Point out that the song picks the ghost, not me!  It's whoever I'm in front of after "high ho on halloween"
    3. Continue singing verses.
    4. After picking moon: boys and girls, I'm going to show you what happens now.  I'm going to sing the "The pumpkin goes away" and go back to my spot in math position.
    5. Now what happens? The Ghost goes away!
    6. Continue with other verses.
    7. End with "The moon shines all night."

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