Thursday, December 8, 2016

Kandinsky Part 2

Kandinsky Lesson Plan Part 2
Grade: K
Time: 30 minutes
Kandinsky paintings
Found sound box

Musical Concept:  There are different sound sources, including environmental sounds.
Musical Element: Timbre
Musical Skills: Creating

Utah Music Standards:
Create: K.M.CR: Students will conceptualize, generate, and organize artistic ideas and work.  They will complete and refine musical works.

Perform K.M.P.4: Demonstrate appropriate practice and performance behavior.

Students will recognize connections between art disciplines of visual art and music.
Students will understand that artists are sometimes inspired by everyday experiences - found sounds in their environment.


  1. Hello There
  2. Read The Noisy Paint Box
    1. Boys and girls, I know you have read this book before.  This time, notice the things that Kandinsky heard making sounds.  Listen really closely while I read.  At the end, I want you to raise your hand and tell me what you noticed.
    2. The artist Kandinsky was inspired by the sounds he heard around him to make art.  We call those found sounds.
    3. We are going to do the opposite!  We are going to compose music with the help of art!
  3. Review last week's painting and add found sounds.
    1. Pick a shape and when I count to three, let's make a sound that goes with the shape with our voices.
    2. I'm going to hand out some found sounds.  When you get yours, I want you to find out how many different sounds you can make with that item.  Find a sound that you think matches a shape in the painting.  It can be any one you want.
    3. When I go like this (cut off) it will be time to keep your found sound quiet.
    4. Everyone make the sound for your shape with your found sound on the count of 3.
    5. Let's try adding each of you in one at a time and you're going to make your sound over and over again.  Watch for when I cut you off!
    6. Now let's do it when I conduct you.  When my arm is over your shape, you make your sound and stop when I get past your sound.
  4. Group Compositions
    1. At each table there is a new Kandinsky artwork.
    2. In just a minute you're going to go back to your tables and work as a table to compose a piece of music with help from the painting at your table, just like we did as a class.
    3. You may use any items in my found sound box, your voice, or your body.
    4. Pick a shape and find a sound that goes with your shape.
    5. Decide how to put your sounds together.
    6. Your teacher will help you if you can't remember what to do next.
    7. Green row go… etc.
    8. Give them about 5 minutes to do their composition.
    9. Have each group share with the class.
  5. Literacy tie-in
    1. By Shavon :)

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